Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Banned Drugs in India.. contd...

21. Practolol.
22. Methapyrilene, its salts.
23. Methaqualone.
24. Oxytetracycline Liquid Oral preparations.
25. Demeclocycline Liquid Oral preparations.
26. Combination of anabolic Steroids with other drugs.
27.Fixed dose combination of Oestrogen and Progestin (other than oral contraceptive) containing per tablet estrogen content of more than 50 mcg (equivalent to Ethinyl Estradiol) and progestin content of more than 3 mg (equivalent to Norethisterone Acetate) and all fixed dose combination injectable preparations containing synthetic Oestrogen and Progesterone. (Subs. By Noti. No. 743 (E) dt 10-08-1989)
28.Fixed dose combination of Sedatives/ hypnotics/anxiolytics with analgesics-antipyretics.
29.Fixed dose combination of Rifampicin, isoniazid and Pyrazinamide, except those which provide daily adult dose given below: Drugs Minimum Maximum Rifampicin 450 mg 600 mg Isoniazid 300 mg 400 mg Pyrazinamide 1000mg 1500 mg
30. Fixed dose combination of Histamine H-2 receptor antagonists with antacids except for those combinations approved by Drugs Controller, India.
31.The patent and proprietary medicines of fixed dose combinations of essential oils with alcohol having percentage higher than 20% proof except preparations given in the Indian Pharmacopoeia.
32. All Pharmaceutical preparations containing Chloroform exceeding 0.5% w/w or v/v whichever is appropriate.
33.Fixed dose combination of Ethambutol with INH other than the following: INH Ethambutol 200 mg. 600 mg. 300 mg. 800 mg.
34. Fixed dose combination containing more than one antihistamine.
35.Fixed dose combination of any anthelmintic with cathartic/purgative except for piperazine/Santonim.
36. Fixed dose combination of Salbutamol or any other drug having primarily bronchodilatory activity with centrally acting anti-tussive and/or antihistamine.
37.Fixed dose combination of laxatives and/or anti-spasmodic drugs in enzyme preparations.
38.Fixed dose combination of Metoclopramide with systemically absorbed drugs except fixed dose combination of metoclopramide with aspirin/paracetamol
39.Fixed dose combination of centrally acting, antitussive with antihistamine, having high atropine like activity in expectorants.
40.Preparations claiming to combat cough associated with asthma containing centrally acting antitussive and/ or an antihistamine.
41.Liquid oral tonic preparations containing glycerophosphates and/or other phosphates and / or central nervous system stimulant and such preparations containing alcohol more than 20% proof.
42.Fixed dose combination containing Pectin and/or Kaolin with any drug which is systemically absorbed from GI tract except for combinations of Pectin and/or Kaolin with drugs not systemically absorbed.
43. Chloral Hydrate as a drug.
44. Dovers Powder I.P.
45. Dover’s Powder Tablets I.P.

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