Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Banned Drugs In India contd....

46.Antidiarrhoeal formulations containing Kaolin or Pectin or Attapulgite or Activated Charcoal.
47.Antidiarrhoeal formulations containing Phthalyl Sulphathiazole or Sulphaguanidine or Succinyl Sulphathiazole.
48.Antidiarrhoeal formulations containing Neomycin or Streptomycin or Dihydrostreptomycin including their respective salts or esters.
49.Liquid Oral antidiarrhoeals or any other dosage form for pediatric use containing Diphenoxylate Lorloperamide or Atropine or Belladona including their salts or esters or metabolites Hyoscyamine or their extracts or their alkaloids.
50.Liquid Oral antidiarrhoeals or any other dosage form for pediatric use containing halogenated hydroxyquinolines.
51. Fixed dose combination of antidiarrhoeals with electrolytes.
52. Patent and Proprietary Oral Rehydration Salts other than those conforming to the
53. Fixed dose combination of Oxyphenbutazone or Phenylbutazone with any other drug.
54. Fixed dose combination of Analgin with any other drug.
55. Fixed dose combination of dextropropoxyphene with any other drug other than anti-spasmodics and/or non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).
56. Fixed dose combination of a drug, standards of which are prescribed in the Second Schedule to the said Act with an Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug.
57. Mepacrine Hydrochloride (Quinacrine and its salts) in any dosage form for use for female sterilization or contraception.
58. Fenfluramine and Dexfenfluramine.
59. Fixed dose combination of Diazepam and Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride .
60. Rimonabant.
61 Rosiglitazone
62 Nimesulide formulations for human use in children below 12 years of age
63. Cisapride and its formulations for human use.
64. Phenylpropanolamine and its formulation for human use.
65. Human Placental Extract and its formulations for human use.
66. Sibutramine and its formulations for human use, and
67. R-Sibutramine and its formulations for human use.
68. Gatifloxacin formulation for systemic use in human by any route including oral and injectable
69. Tegaserod and its formulation for human use.

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