Sunday, July 8, 2012

iPhone apps for Doctors

           Since ages it’s a general perception that doctors are considered to be weak in technical things and poor in gadget using. Now the time has changed with , whole of the medical profession is being dependent on gadgets.The days of bedside teaching , learning and being proud of ones clinical skills will become like test cricket in years to come. Change is the principle of nature and in the struggle for existence the most adaptable will survive. Its becoming mandatory to use medical applications in our smart phones for quick response during emergencies.. Here are few medical applications for iPhone. The first one in the review series of the medical apps.

1. Heart pro

3D4Medical in collaboration with Stanford University School of Medicine present the Heart Pro III. As featured in the WWDC 2012 Keynote Speech. This app was developed in partnership with Dr. Lacy E Harville III, MD, FACS.
In this upgrade 3D4Medical have added in several new features and several new animations all for free.
Built in Animations:
-Anterior Beating Heart - Aortic Stenosis - Conduction Heart Beat - Heart Catheterization-Ischemic Stroke - Myocardial Heart Attack - Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) - Ventricular Fibrillation - Ventricular Septal Defect - Blood Flow (slow speed) - Blood Flow in Beating Heart - Coronal Cut (Ant.) Beating Heart - Lateral Beating Heart - Posterior Beating Heart - Right Lateral Beating Heart - Sagittal Cut (Lat) Beating Heart - Transverse Cut (Ant) Beating Heart - Aortic Valve - Left Atrium - Left Ventricle - Mitral Valve - Pulmonary Valve - Right Atrium - RightVentricle Tricuspid Valve.

 heart proheart pro 1

heart pro 4heart pro 5

hear pro 2

To buy the app visit

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